
Les Houches School of Physics


The idea of this workshop is to bring together international experts in the field of the dynamics of networks (e.g. gel, polymer and biological networks), to discuss recent progress and insights from computational, theoretical and experimental approaches. This field is still young especially concerning modeling aspects, due to the computational challenges related to the complex molecular structures which are crucial, in many cases, for relaxation dynamics and mechanical responses on large scales. In the recent years, however, the computer power and new parallel coding techniques like GPGPU or large scale MPI programming techniques has allowed for significant progress in accessing reasonable time and length scales to address questions that were difficult to tackle before. Also on the experimental side, new approaches combining different techniques (e.g. various types of imaging, advanced light scattering techniques and the use of mecanophores) allow for an investigation on a more mesoscopic scale of the complex dynamics, being able to probe scales that can be modeled within, for example, MD simulations. In addition, recent theoretical developments now address specifically the non-linear and fracture response of network materials, providing new concepts and ideas to be tested in experiments and simulations. There seems to be a unique opportunity, at this point, in combining such efforts to develop a new understanding of network dynamics, closely related to their technological applications.


  • Stefano Aime (ESPCI, France)
  • Mehdi Bouzid (CNRS Grenoble, France)
  • Luca Cipelletti (Univ. Montpellier, France)
  • Thibaut Divoux (ENS Lyon, France)
  • Olivia du Roure (ESPCI, France)

  • Virginie Hugouvieux (INRAE CNRS, France)
  • Paul Janmey (Univ. of Pennsylvania, USA)
  • Safa Jamali (Northeastern Univ., USA)
  • Martin Lenz (Paris-Sud, France)
  • Edan Lerner (Univ. of Amsterdam, Netherlands)
  • Andrea Ninarello (La Sapienza, Rome)
  • Matthias Merkel (Univ. Marseille, France)
  • George Petekidis (University of Crete, Greece)
  • Laurence Ramos (CNRS Montpellier, France)
  • Beatrice Ruta (CNRS Grenoble, France)
  • Valerio Sorichetti (IST Austria)
  • Carsten Svaneborg (SDU, Denmark)
  • Jasper Van der Gucht (Wageningen University, Netherlands)
  • Jan Vermant (ETH Zürich, Switzerland)
  • Franck Vernerey (Univ. of Colorado, USA)


The meeting will take place in Les Houches School of Physicsfrom Monday February 26th (morning) to Friday March1st (noon).

Participants are thus expected to arrive in Les Houches on Sunday February 25th evening, and to leave on Friday afternoon.


Kirsten Martens, kirsten.martens@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr
Jean-Louis Barrat, jean-louis.barrat@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr
Emanuela Del Gado, ed610@georgetown.edu


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